Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Learn: What is the biggest mistake people make who are trying to lose weight?!

There are a lot of reasons why someone can’t or isn’t losing weight, and many have nothing to do with food. Overall food choices and calories are most important. And if you’re not losing weight you probably need a diet overhaul. This includes when you eat, food combinations, and amount. You may be surprised there is a whole other side to weight loss that doesn’t include food at all. Here is a list of the most common food and non-food dieting mistakes that may be slowing down your weight loss progress.
  • You sleep less than 7 hours per night. Studies show that less than 7 hours sleep for the average adult will inhibit weight loss.
  • You exercise too much. Exercising is not an automatic pass to eat more, and exercising generally burns a lot fewer calories than what dieter think.
  • You skip meals. It may seem to make sense, you’re eating less therefore you will lose more. But skipping meals will only hurt your weight loss effort.
  • You're eating “diet” or fake foods. While prepackaged weight-loss products like shakes and bars are convenient, they may not be helping you to lose weight in the long run. These foods leave you unsatisfied and hungry, which is for sure a set up for overeating later. There are lots of healthier, more filling options with the same or fewer calories, like a cheese stick or a serving of plain nonfat Greek yogurt with fresh fruit.
  • You don’t like to drink water. Drinking water helps you manage your appetite. This is because thirst and hunger are easily confused. In one study, people who drank two glasses of water before eating a meal consumed up to 90 fewer calories.

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